2007/07/16 ER consulation
M79 96.07.16 14:07 張oo 56 man (chart 4351731)
diplopia for 3 days, unsteady gait with deviation to the right side
VB fusiform aneurysm related brainstem stroke
how to manage this case?
2007年7月16日 星期一
2007年7月11日 星期三
Neurological Disorders and Sleep Disturbance
Neurological Disorders and Sleep Disturbance |
Sleep and Epilepsy |
There is a distinct and reciprocal relationship between sleep and epilepsy (Chokroverty and Quinto 1999; Dinner 2002). Sleep affects epilepsy, and epilepsy affects sleep. In the beginning of the last century, before the availability of encephalography, several authors emphasized that many seizures are predominantly nocturnal and occur at certain times at night. The modern era of combining the clinical and EEG findings on sleep and seizures began with the observation of Gibbs and Gibbs in 1947 that EEG epileptiform discharges were seen more often during sleep than during wakefulness (Chokroverty and Quinto 1999). A basic understanding of the mechanism of epileptogenesis and sleep makes it clear why seizures are often triggered by sleep. The fundamental mechanism for epileptogenesis includes neuronal synchronization, neuronal hyperexcitability, and a lack of inhibitory mechanism. During NREM sleep, there is an excessive diffuse cortical synchronization mediated by the thalamocortical input, whereas during REM sleep, there is inhibition of the thalamocortical synchronizing influence in addition to a tonic reduction in the interhemispheric impulse traffic through the corpus callosum. Factors that enhance synchronization are conducive to active ictal precipitation in susceptible individuals. NREM sleep thus acts as a convulsant by causing excessive synchronization and activation of seizures in an already hyperexcitable cortex. In contrast, during REM sleep, there is attenuation of epileptiform discharges and limitation of propagation of generalized epileptiform discharges to a focal area. |
Sleep deprivation is another important seizure-triggering factor, and the value of sleep-deprived EEG studies in the diagnosis of seizures is well known. Sleep deprivation increases epileptiform discharges, mostly during the transition period between waking and light sleep. Sleep deprivation causes sleepiness, which is one factor for activation of seizures, but it probably also increases cortical excitability, which triggers seizures. However, in a recent report on 84 patients with medically refractory partial epilepsy with secondary generalization undergoing inpatient monitoring, Malow et al. (2002) noted that acute sleep deprivation did not affect seizure incidence. |
Effect of Sleep on Epilepsy. |
True nocturnal seizures (Malow and Plazzi 2003; Chokroverty and Quinto 1999) may include tonic seizures, benign focal epilepsy of childhood with rolandic spikes or occipital paroxysms, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, electrical status epilepticus during sleep or continuous spikes and waves during sleep, generalized tonic-clonic seizures on awakening, nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy including nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia (NPD), and a subset of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (nocturnal temporal lobe epilepsy). Many patients with generalized tonic-clonic and partial complex seizures also have predominantly nocturnal seizures. Nocturnal seizures may be mistaken for motor and behavioral parasomnias or other movement disorders that persist during sleep or reactivate during stage transition or awakenings in the middle of the night. |
Tonic Seizure. |
Benign Rolandic Seizure. |
Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. |
page 2025 |
page 2026 |
Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy. |
Nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy includes (Provini et al. 1999; Malow and Plazzi 2003) nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia, paroxysmal arousals and awakenings, episodic nocturnal wanderings, and autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy. These disorders all share common features of abnormal paroxysmal motor activities during sleep and respond favorably to anticonvulsants. They most likely represent partial seizures arising from discharging foci in the deeper regions of the brain, particularly the frontal cortex, without any concomitant scalp EEG evidence of epileptiform activities. The relationship to seizures, particularly partial complex seizures of temporal or extratemporal origin, however, remains controversial. Nonepileptic seizures or pseudoseizures are not common during sleep at night but sometimes can occur and be mistaken for true nocturnal seizures, and it is important to differentiate these from true seizures because of difference in management. |
Table 74-22. Features of nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia |
Onset: infancy to fifth decade |
Usually sporadic; rarely familial |
Sudden onset from non-rapid eye movement sleep |
Two clinical types: Common type is short-lasting (15 sec to <2> |
Semiology: ballismic, choreoathetotic, or dystonic movements |
Often occurs in clusters |
Electroencephalogram: generally normal |
Short-duration attacks are most likely a type of frontal lobe seizure |
Treatment: carbamazepine |
Table 74-23. Features of frontal lobe seizures |
Age of onset: infancy to middle age |
Sporadic, occasionally familial (dominant) |
Both diurnal and nocturnal spells, sometimes exclusively nocturnal |
Sudden onset in non-rapid eye movement sleep with sudden termination |
Duration: mostly less than 1 min, sometimes 1-2 min with short postictal confusion |
Often occur in clusters |
Semiology: tonic, clonic, bipedal, bimanual, and bicycling movements; motor and sexual automatisms; contralateral dystonic posturing or arm abduction with or without eye deviation |
Ictal EEG may be normal; interictal EEG may show spikes; sometimes depth recording is needed |
EEG = electroencephalogram. | |
Five patients were originally described who had episodes of abnormal movements that were tonic and often violent during NREM sleep almost every night. Ictal and interictal EEG findings were normal. Later, 12 patients were described with NREM sleep-related choreoathetotic, dystonic, and ballismic movements each night, often occurring many times during the night for many years. The term nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia (NPD) was coined for this entity (Table 74.22). The disorder in all patients responded to carbamazepine |
Autosomal Dominant Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy. |
An autosomal dominant form of frontal lobe epilepsy usually starts in childhood and persists throughout adult life. Attacks are characterized by brief motor seizures in clusters during sleep. Neurological examination and neuroimaging studies are normal. Videotelemetry during the attacks confirms their epileptic nature, and the response to carbamazepine |
Effect of Epilepsy on Sleep |
Printed from: Neurology in Clinical Practice (on 11 July 2007) © 2007 Elsevier |
2007年7月6日 星期五
IV fluid administration in ischemic stroke for a CHF old-aged patient
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