a 82-year-old female, a case of Surface serous papillary carcinoma s/p chemotherapy, complained of lower back soreness radiating to the lower limbs, hypoesthesia at peri-anal area, sphincter disturbance with urinary retention and difficulty in defecation for 4-5 months.
姓名:吳oo 女士 生日: 0140108
病歷號:3228124 照會單號:T0089251030
檢查項目 .....檢查日期:2008-06-02
MRI With/Without Contrast--Spine
報告內容 ...
Hx: SSPC, s/p LSC with biopsy, s/p PT *6. recurrence, s/p PT *6, recurrence, s/p Lipodox and Carboplatin *6
MRI of L spine without/with contrast enhancement shows
1. multiple enhancing enhancing nodules noted along the pial surface of visible spinal cord, abnormal enhancement along the cauda equina and nodular enhancement of nerve roots in the sacral canal. CSF tumor seeding is considered.
2. suspicious mild edematous change of the spinal cord aroud the nodules
3. lumbar spondylosis with marginal spur formation and bulging disc at L1 to L5 level, accompanied by mild hypertrophy of facet joints and ligamentum flavum. They result in mild narrowing of thecal sac.
4. normal alignment of L spine, no focal bony destruction is found.
5. the paraspinal soft tissue is unremarkable.
CSF tumor seeding, along the pial surface of the spinal cord and cauda equina. mild lumbar spondylosis