Volume 360:753-764 February 19, 2009 Number 8
Estimation of the Warfarin Dose with Clinical and Pharmacogenetic Data
The International Warfarin Pharmacogenetics Consortium
Background Genetic variability among patients plays an important role in determining the dose of warfarin that should be used when oral anticoagulation is initiated, but practical methods of using genetic information have not been evaluated in a diverse and large population. We developed and used an algorithm for estimating the appropriate warfarin dose that is based on both clinical and genetic data from a broad population base.
Methods Clinical and genetic data from 4043 patients were used to create a dose algorithm that was based on clinical variables only and an algorithm in which genetic information was added to the clinical variables. In a validation cohort of 1009 subjects, we evaluated the potential clinical value of each algorithm by calculating the percentage of patients whose predicted dose of warfarin was within 20% of the actual stable therapeutic dose; we also evaluated other clinically relevant indicators.
Results In the validation cohort, the pharmacogenetic algorithm accurately identified larger proportions of patients who required 21 mg of warfarin or less per week and of those who required 49 mg or more per week to achieve the target international normalized ratio than did the clinical algorithm (49.4% vs. 33.3%, P<0.001, among patients requiring 21 mg per week; and 24.8% vs. 7.2%, P<0.001, among those requiring 49 mg per week).
Conclusions The use of a pharmacogenetic algorithm for estimating the appropriate initial dose of warfarin produces recommendations that are significantly closer to the required stable therapeutic dose than those derived from a clinical algorithm or a fixed-dose approach. The greatest benefits were observed in the 46.2% of the population that required 21 mg or less of warfarin per week or 49 mg or more per week for therapeutic anticoagulation.
Source Information
Address reprint requests to the International Warfarin Pharmacogenetics Consortium at 300 Pasteur Dr., Ln. 301, Mailstop 5120, Stanford, CA 94305, or at iwpc@pharmgkb.org.
中研院研究》抗凝血劑 依基因精準抓劑量
2009.02.20 02:19 am
【2009/02/20 聯合報】@ http://udn.com/
2009年2月19日 星期四
2009年2月12日 星期四
mononeuritis multiplex
Most systemic diseases associated with mononeuritis multiplex, including vasculitides, connective-tissue disease, cryoglobulinemia, sarcoidosis, diabetes, amyloidosis, neoplasms, and infections, cause nerve damage by affecting the vasa nervorum.
Livedoid Vasculopathy
Livedoid vasculopathy is a segmental, hyalinizing vasculopathy that involves small and medium-sized blood vessels in the lower legs. It can present with livedo changes in the skin, focal purpura, and painful, irregularly shaped lesions around the malleoli. It can be an isolated or a primary condition or can be associated with a variety of hypercoagulable risk factors, including antiphospholipid antibodies, as well as most other serologic and genetic risk factors for either venous or arterial thromboses, and connective-tissue diseases.20 Our patient's cutaneous findings could be explained by livedoid vasculopathy occurring in the setting of a connective-tissue disorder, the most likely of which would be SLE.
Livedoid Vasculopathy
Livedoid vasculopathy is a segmental, hyalinizing vasculopathy that involves small and medium-sized blood vessels in the lower legs. It can present with livedo changes in the skin, focal purpura, and painful, irregularly shaped lesions around the malleoli. It can be an isolated or a primary condition or can be associated with a variety of hypercoagulable risk factors, including antiphospholipid antibodies, as well as most other serologic and genetic risk factors for either venous or arterial thromboses, and connective-tissue diseases.20 Our patient's cutaneous findings could be explained by livedoid vasculopathy occurring in the setting of a connective-tissue disorder, the most likely of which would be SLE.
2009年2月3日 星期二
case of HACE
delayed neurological progress was noted in the case of HACE but dramatic clinical improvement ensued with a successful community discharge and return to work. Based on this case, optimism is warranted even with the most severe neurological presentation; long-term prediction of outcome should be delayed for at least 3 to 4 months.
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