2008年5月12日 星期一

new stroke in old CVA patient?

a dominent-personality patient with old stroke with mild right hemiparesis, complained of right limb heavy sensation, acute onset for 1 week.
He asked for brain MRI. The NE showed mild right hemiparesis with spasticity. Hepatitis due to Plavix? was told. Brain MRI was arranged to exclude new stroke in this patient. 羅oo(M,63_6) 1698992
Brain MRI (2008/05/13)

1 則留言:

Lukas JH Lee 提到...

姓名:羅00 先生 生日: 0331019
病歷號:1698992 照會單號:T0089166442

檢查項目 .....檢查日期:2008-05-14
MRI With Contrast--Brain

報告內容 :
MRI of head with/without showed
1. Focal high SI on T2WI is found at left inferior pons, old lacunar infarct is considered.
2. No definite mass lesion nor abnormal enhancement was found in brain.
3. The ventricles and sulci were normal in size.
4. No definite abnormal SI was found at bone marrow.
5. Diffusion image and MRA showed no definite active lesion.

Old insult was considered. at pon