耕莘藥訊 2002.第15期
新長效胰島素製劑--Insulin Glargine
在美國目前約一千五百多萬人口有糖尿病(Diabetes Mellitus;DM),在台灣也有為數不少的人口罹患此病,所以糖尿病的治療藥物便非常重要,而目前治療藥物的趨勢是藥物能模擬正常胰臟的功能提供胰島素。
本文介紹的insulin glargine(HOE 901; 21A-Gly-30Ba-L-Arg -30Bb-L-Arg-human insulin)是一長效胰島素,由Human insulin類似物重組而成,經由皮下注射,一日一次,睡前給予。
Insulin glargine,在insulin結構中B鏈C端加上兩個Arginine,在A鏈第21個位置將Asparagine(Asp)置換成Glycine(Gly);在生理中性pH值下insulin glargine比人體天然的insulin較不容易溶解,所以以皮下注射方式在注射部位(pH7.4),就會形成少許沈澱,再緩慢的釋放到組織和血流中,延長作用時間。
Insulin glargine在皮下注射之後,起始作用時間約1小時,4-5小時濃度漸漸上升,可持續維持一高原期約24小時,且無明顯的尖峰濃度產生。而NPH與insulin glargine不同的是有較快的起始作用時間,較明顯的尖峰濃度,和較短的作用時間。
在一研究中(crossover glucose clamp study)1,比較insulin glargine 和NPH在20位Type I 糖尿病病人中,NPH 從注射到作用結束時間為14.5小時,而insulin glargine為24小時。
在另一相關研究中,20位Type I 糖尿病病人中,insulin glargine 與NPH Ultralente的藥物動力學比較,insulin glargine血漿濃度高原期3-24小時,相似於持續皮下注射的insulin lispro(4-24小時)。Insulin glargine的作用時間(duration)為20.5小時,相似於Ultralente(19小時),大於NPH 13.2小時,小於lispro(23.5小時);肝腎功能損傷者,目前無研究報告,但功能不良者可能會增加insulin的血中循環濃度。
(一)DM Type I:
在Ratner et al (2000)1,2等人對534位DM Type I病人進行28週研究中,比較insulin glargine一日一次睡前和NPH一日一次睡前或一日兩次飯前注射。結果在空腹血糖部分,insulin glargine減少較多(20.2% vsNPH 16.9%),HbA1C只有小部分的減少(insulin glargine vs NPH :0.16% vs 0.21%),平均使用劑量insulin glargine減少4.1Unit,但在NPH組反而增加1.8 Unit,一日總量在insulin glargine無改變(0.31U),但在NPH組增加了3.7U。在夜間低血糖的發生比例,insulin glargine比NPH低(18.2% vs 27.1%)。在這實驗中,以insulin glargine治療有較高的滿意度,因insulin glargine可改善低血糖和高血糖的症狀。
Package insert (2001) Raskin et al (2000)1:共619人,insulin glargine一日一次睡前,NPH一日一次睡前或NPH一日兩次使用且各加insulin lispro飯前併用。目標空腹血糖為79-120mg/dl,使用insulin glargine病人血糖<119mg/dl達29.6%,NPH只有16.8%。在平均使用insulin劑量上,insulin glargine減少4.5unit,NPH增加0.9unit。
Package insert (2001),schoenle et al (1999)1:insulin glargine和NPH在3,497位6-15歲的兒童比較。在HbA1C,insulin glargine和NPH都有減少(0.28% vs 0.27%)。在平均使用劑量,insulin glargine減少1.3U,NPH增加2.4U。一日總量在insulin glargine增加1.9U,NPH 增加3.4U。在發生嚴重低血糖症狀insulin glargine vs NPH(22.4% vs 28.6%),夜間低血糖(48.3% vs 50.9%)。
(二)DM Type II
Package insert (2001)1 52週共570位DM Type II 病人,使用insulin glargine或NPH一日一次睡前併用口服降血糖藥物(a sulfonylurea alone, metformin alone,或a sulfonylurea + metformin 或 acarbose),HbA1c和空腹血糖(FPG)2組都有下降(HbA1c insulin glargine vs NPH -0.46% vs -0.38%, FPG insulin glargine vs NPH -49% vs -46%)。一日總量都有增加(insulin glargine 11.5Unit vs NPH 9 Unit)低血糖發生率兩組相似。
Package insert (2001)1 Rosenstock et al (2001)1,2 28週共518病人,先前已使用insulin 者加入insulin glargine一日一次睡前或NPH一日一次睡前或一日兩次,目標空腹血糖為<120mg/dl。insulin glargine治療29.6%達到,NPH治療27.1%達到。insulin glargine夜間低血糖發生率較NPH低(31.3% vs 40.2%)
Insulin glargine由皮下注射給藥,一日一次睡前給予,注射部位有腹部、上臂三角肌、大腿。不可以靜脈給藥,會造成嚴重低血糖。在Type I病人,若從NPH一日一次或Ultralente轉換成insulin glargine,通常不需調整劑量,但若從NPH一日兩次轉換成insulin glargine,則insulin glargine的劑量需減少20%,視病人血糖而定。在Type II病人最近無接受insulin治療,或用口服藥物治療,insulin glargine的起始劑量平均為10unit,一日一次。而接著調整範圍為2-100unit視病人血糖而定。
副作用:低血糖、注射部位疼痛、脂質代謝不良、過敏反應、搔癢、紅疹。因insulin glargine為酸性溶液,所以注射時會比NPH疼痛。有一研究比較insulin glargine和NPH疼痛程度,約6.1% vs 0.3%。低血糖的發生率相似於NPH或比NPH輕微減少,而發生夜間低血糖情形insulin glargine比NPH一日一次睡前注射要少。
禁忌:不可用於對insulin glargine或賦形劑過敏者(Zinc, m-cresol, glycerol)。
交互作用:以下藥物會增加血糖,與insulin glargine併用時,須增加insulin glargine劑量:corticosteroid、danazol、diuretic、INAH、niacin、estrogen、oral contraceptive、phenothiazine、sympathomimetics、somatotropin。
以下藥物會減低血糖。與insulin glargine併用時須減少insulin glargine劑量:hypoglycemics medication、disopyramide、fibrate、fluoxetine、salicylate、sulfonamide、MAOI、ACEI、Beta-blocker。
注意事項:insulin glargine為酸性溶液,所以不可稀釋或與其他Insulin製劑混合,包括regular human insulin和insulin lispro,也不可以混合在同一針筒內。
未開封的insulin glargine需儲存在2-8度,不可冷凍;若無法冷藏,可在非冷藏下保存28天後就需丟棄,且要避光和熱,不可超過30度。
Insulin glargine比其他NPH insulin製劑價格高,且insulin glargine不可與其他insulin製劑混合,可能需另使用一針筒,使成本相對提高。
1.與其他insulin製劑不同,insulin glargine為澄清、無色溶液,且不可與其他insulin混合,否則會造成混濁。
2.Insulin glargine不同於其他中長效insulin是不需要搖勻。
3.因insulin glargine為酸性溶液,所以病人注射時會較疼痛。
4.剛開始使用insulin glargine或調整劑量時,需密切監測血糖。
Insulin glargine在2000年已由美國FDA核准,使用在DM Type I 6歲以上和type II 需使用insulin病人。在2001年5月上市。其優點有:一日注射一次,且維持血清中的高原期,作用時間可達24小時,減低夜間低血糖的發生。缺點為太貴,注射部位疼痛,不可其他insulin混合。它被證實與NPH等中長效的insulin有相似效果,但夜間低血糖症狀低於NPH製劑,insulin glargine適用於早上血糖高者及夜間使用NPH造成低血糖者。
1. Terri L, Danial B, John W, Keith C. Insulin Glargine: A New Basal insulin. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2002 June; 36:1019-25.
2. Lindsey R, Chad P. Insulin Glargine: A New Long-acting insulin product. Am J Health-Syst pharm. 2002 Apr; 59:643-9.
3. Micromedex.
2010年11月20日 星期六
2010年11月19日 星期五
overtime working or poor efficiency?
Dr Wang the urologist worked more than 24 hours for his application of 2011 project and scientitic presentation.
i encouraged him to be relax, and hope he is in good health in the grace of the Lord. Praise the Lord we are living for the glory of the Lord.
hearing advanced biomedical MRI lab
resolution constraints 10-6 meter for neurons; 10-3 meter in fMRI; 10-2 for MEG
10-3 sec for neurons, 1 sec for fMRI; 10-3 for MEG
physical limits
blind spots in MEG depth and orientation dependent
any alternative other than BOLD [blood flow]
methological questions
non-linear transformation
General linear model
Gaussian statistics
how to tell fale from true positive
and so on
i encouraged him to be relax, and hope he is in good health in the grace of the Lord. Praise the Lord we are living for the glory of the Lord.
hearing advanced biomedical MRI lab
resolution constraints 10-6 meter for neurons; 10-3 meter in fMRI; 10-2 for MEG
10-3 sec for neurons, 1 sec for fMRI; 10-3 for MEG
physical limits
blind spots in MEG depth and orientation dependent
any alternative other than BOLD [blood flow]
methological questions
non-linear transformation
General linear model
Gaussian statistics
how to tell fale from true positive
and so on
2010年11月18日 星期四
!! QQQ?
research on the residents working hours
Dr Chen neurologist is over-worked related cardiac incident?
1. evidence of disease
myocarditis, post-infectious? fatigue signs which may be detected by by-stander or coworkers
past history:
annual physical exams may discover the underlying causes that may play a role in hyperacute incident
uric acid elveation with episodic attacks of gouty arthritis
myocardial infaction
aneurysm rupture is less likely.
2. working hours should be collected
how to investigate the time and details, and /or course of his spending times
in the past three to six months
3. temporal relationship
4. dose-response or consistency
5. competing causes
high uric acids
usual medications
Dr Chen neurologist is over-worked related cardiac incident?
1. evidence of disease
myocarditis, post-infectious? fatigue signs which may be detected by by-stander or coworkers
past history:
annual physical exams may discover the underlying causes that may play a role in hyperacute incident
uric acid elveation with episodic attacks of gouty arthritis
myocardial infaction
aneurysm rupture is less likely.
2. working hours should be collected
how to investigate the time and details, and /or course of his spending times
in the past three to six months
3. temporal relationship
4. dose-response or consistency
5. competing causes
high uric acids
usual medications
FACEBOOK-related asthma?
FACEBOOK-related asthma?
網站恐引發氣喘 法新社更新日期:2010/11/19 09:00
(法新社巴黎18日電) 網友會讓你氣喘發作?
義大利醫師表示,1名有氣喘病史的18歲少年,夏天突然好幾次呼吸困難,他在這個時期一般都不會出現氣喘症狀。 憂心忡忡的母親得知,少年因為女友與他分手而難過。這名女孩還把他從臉書(Facebook)好友名單刪除,另外加入許多新的男生朋友。
少年換了暱稱,重新成為前女友的「朋友」,終於又能在臉書上看到前女友照片。 醫師對此相當好奇,要求少年每次上臉書時,戴上呼吸面罩,測量他的呼吸流量。 每次他登入臉書,呼吸流量就驟降,有時減少超過20%。求助精神科醫師後,少年決定停用臉書,氣喘不藥而癒。
Facebook Triggers Asthma Attacks, Doctors Say
by Honey Berk (Subscribe to Honey Berk's posts)
Nov 18th 2010 6:30PM
Filed under: Medical Conditions, In The News, Research Reveals: Teens
Facebook may be to blame for breathing problems. Credit: Corbis
If you've got asthma, you'd better think twice before you log in to Facebook.
That's right, folks. In a letter published today in The Lancet, one of the world's most prestigious medical journals, a team of Italian doctors report that Facebook can trigger asthma attacks.
This nugget of breaking scientific news is apparently based on the case history of an 18-year-old asthmatic boy in Italy whose girlfriend broke up with him, unfriended him on Facebook and then began " 'friending' many new young men," the researchers report.
Like many heartbroken teenage boy these days, the jilted Romeo created a fictitious Facebook account and succeeded in friending his ex again. But every time he accessed her Facebook profile, he became short of breath.
"The sight of (the girl's profile picture) seemed to induce dyspnea, which happened repeatedly on the patient accessing her profile," the authors write.
Since the boy's asthma symptoms had previously been controlled with medication, and the onset of his breathing problems coincided with the recent break-up and subsequent depression, the doctors concluded the two must be related.
To prove their theory, the boy's mother was told to measure his peak expiratory flow -- a measure of how fast a person can exhale, often used to help monitor asthma symptoms -- before and after he logged in to Facebook.
Sure enough, the boy's "post-Facebook" peak flow values were around 20 percent lower, which led the doctors to conclude Facebook was the trigger of his asthma flare-ups.
Here's the scientific part of the equation, according to the authors: Facebook, and social networks in general, could be a new source of psychological stress, which could trigger asthma symptoms in people who are depressed.
"Considering the high prevalence of asthma, especially among young people, we suggest that this type of trigger be considered in the assessment of asthma exacerbations," the authors conclude.
And what of the poor Italian boy? The authors note he resigned to stop logging in to Facebook, with the help of a psychiatrist, and his asthma attacks stopped.
網站恐引發氣喘 法新社更新日期:2010/11/19 09:00
(法新社巴黎18日電) 網友會讓你氣喘發作?
義大利醫師表示,1名有氣喘病史的18歲少年,夏天突然好幾次呼吸困難,他在這個時期一般都不會出現氣喘症狀。 憂心忡忡的母親得知,少年因為女友與他分手而難過。這名女孩還把他從臉書(Facebook)好友名單刪除,另外加入許多新的男生朋友。
少年換了暱稱,重新成為前女友的「朋友」,終於又能在臉書上看到前女友照片。 醫師對此相當好奇,要求少年每次上臉書時,戴上呼吸面罩,測量他的呼吸流量。 每次他登入臉書,呼吸流量就驟降,有時減少超過20%。求助精神科醫師後,少年決定停用臉書,氣喘不藥而癒。
Facebook Triggers Asthma Attacks, Doctors Say
by Honey Berk (Subscribe to Honey Berk's posts)
Nov 18th 2010 6:30PM
Filed under: Medical Conditions, In The News, Research Reveals: Teens
Facebook may be to blame for breathing problems. Credit: Corbis
If you've got asthma, you'd better think twice before you log in to Facebook.
That's right, folks. In a letter published today in The Lancet, one of the world's most prestigious medical journals, a team of Italian doctors report that Facebook can trigger asthma attacks.
This nugget of breaking scientific news is apparently based on the case history of an 18-year-old asthmatic boy in Italy whose girlfriend broke up with him, unfriended him on Facebook and then began " 'friending' many new young men," the researchers report.
Like many heartbroken teenage boy these days, the jilted Romeo created a fictitious Facebook account and succeeded in friending his ex again. But every time he accessed her Facebook profile, he became short of breath.
"The sight of (the girl's profile picture) seemed to induce dyspnea, which happened repeatedly on the patient accessing her profile," the authors write.
Since the boy's asthma symptoms had previously been controlled with medication, and the onset of his breathing problems coincided with the recent break-up and subsequent depression, the doctors concluded the two must be related.
To prove their theory, the boy's mother was told to measure his peak expiratory flow -- a measure of how fast a person can exhale, often used to help monitor asthma symptoms -- before and after he logged in to Facebook.
Sure enough, the boy's "post-Facebook" peak flow values were around 20 percent lower, which led the doctors to conclude Facebook was the trigger of his asthma flare-ups.
Here's the scientific part of the equation, according to the authors: Facebook, and social networks in general, could be a new source of psychological stress, which could trigger asthma symptoms in people who are depressed.
"Considering the high prevalence of asthma, especially among young people, we suggest that this type of trigger be considered in the assessment of asthma exacerbations," the authors conclude.
And what of the poor Italian boy? The authors note he resigned to stop logging in to Facebook, with the help of a psychiatrist, and his asthma attacks stopped.
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