2010年11月19日 星期五

overtime working or poor efficiency?

Dr Wang the urologist worked more than 24 hours for his application of 2011 project and scientitic presentation.

i encouraged him to be relax, and hope he is in good health in the grace of the Lord. Praise the Lord we are living for the glory of the Lord.


hearing advanced biomedical MRI lab

resolution constraints 10-6 meter for neurons; 10-3 meter in fMRI; 10-2 for MEG
10-3 sec for neurons, 1 sec for fMRI; 10-3 for MEG

physical limits
blind spots in MEG depth and orientation dependent
any alternative other than BOLD [blood flow]

methological questions
non-linear transformation
General linear model
Gaussian statistics
how to tell fale from true positive
and so on
