2009年8月4日 星期二

terms used in the class given by professor Amstrong

2009/8/5 am

mechanic stress [tranismission of forces through the body]
deformation of tissues (strain) third law of Newton: sitting for a long time may hurt low back soft tissues.
shoulder ligaments keep the shoulders , stretch of the ligaments--> perception of the brain
how to relax

standard time by standard methods to perform a job

WMSD work-related musculoskeletal disorders
callus resulted from mechanical stress

callus /ˈkæləs/ DJ /'kæləs/ KK
an area of thick hard skin on a hand or foot, usually caused by rubbing 胼胝,老繭(手、足上的硬皮) noun

A callus is an unwanted area of thick skin, usually on the palms of your hands or the soles of your feet, which has been caused by something rubbing against it.


to catch your foot on sth and fall or almost fall 絆;絆倒 V often VN + adv./prep. ~ (over/up) ~ (over/on sth)
She tripped and fell. 她絆了一下摔倒了。
Someone will trip over that cable. 有人會讓那條電纜絆倒的。
Be careful you don't trip up on the step. 你小心別在台階上絆倒了。
to catch sb's foot and make them fall or almost fall 將…絆倒;使跌倒 VN
As I passed, he stuck out a leg and tried to trip me up. 我經過時,他伸出腿來想把我絆倒。
Variant: trip sb up British English
to walk, run or dance with quick light steps 腳步輕快地走(或跑、跳舞) V VN + adv./prep. literary
She said goodbye and tripped off along the road. 她說了聲再見就連蹦帶跳地沿路走了。
to release a switch, etc. or to operate sth by doing so 觸發(開關);(鬆開開關)開動 VN
to trip a switch 打開開關
Any intruders will trip the alarm. 任何非法入室者都會觸響報警器。
to be under the influence of a drug that makes you hallucinate (服用毒品後)產生幻覺 V informal

symptoms are subjective and apparently only to the workers
causes: both are caused or aggravated
repeated and sustained exertions
forceful exertions

localized fatigue
what dose fatigue mean? reduced performance over time
remain attention
retention as Y-axis, time as X-axis
fatigue defined in the dictionary

fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/ DJ /fə'tig/ KK
a feeling of being extremely tired, usually because of hard work or exercise 疲勞;勞累 uncountable


an accident report of a bricklayer

Belt pulley 皮帶輪. Belt stretching device 傳動帶拉緊裝置. Belt tension 傳動帶
bricklayer /ˈbrɪkleɪə(r)/ DJ /'brɪkˈleɚ/ KK
a person whose job is to build walls, etc. with bricks 砌磚工;瓦工 noun
Variant: brickie British English, informal
Derivative: bricklaying noun, uncountable
physical and mental fatigue 身體和精神的疲勞
Driver fatigue was to blame for the accident. 這個事故是駕駛員疲勞所致。
I was dropping with fatigue and could not keep my eyes open. 我快要累倒了,眼睛也睜不開了。
a feeling of not wanting to do a particular activity any longer because you have done too much of it 厭倦 uncountable
battle fatigue 戰鬥疲勞
weakness in metal or wood caused by repeated bending or stretching (金屬或木材的)疲勞 uncountable
The wing of the plane showed signs of metal fatigue. 機翼顯示出金屬疲勞的跡象。
loose clothes worn by soldiers (士兵穿的)工作服 plural
Alternate: fatigues
duties, such as cleaning and cooking, that soldiers have to do, especially as a punishment 士兵雜役(尤指作為懲罰,如做打掃、幫廚) plural especially American English
Alternate: fatigues

Fatigue is a feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness.
You can say that people are suffering from a particular kind of fatigue when they have been doing something for a long time and feel they can no longer continue to do it.
Fatigues are clothes that soldiers wear when they are fighting or when they are doing routine jobs.

"6 sigma approach", borrowed from management science 六標準差
control program ANSI designated Z365 committee
